I have moved. Please come and visit.
Saturday, July 20
Monday, June 3
Saturday, June 1
Saturday, May 18
A while back I listened to a webiner about business and how to promote yourself and your art online. One person spoke about how search engines are now looking at blogs more and how it is important to have a detailed description about the piece of art or product and to tell a story of how it came about. Well as you can imagine I haven't completed this task yet. I think I wrote a list of the paintings that I would like to write about but that was as far as I got. I have started to write more and I am almost enjoying it. I really want to change how I feel about writing, I have been making more of an effort to write on my blog. I write more comments within the Facebook groups that I am members of and I now have a few pen-pals. This is all helping me face my fears of writing. 'The more you practise, the better you get' however I am one of those people who thinks that I should be good before I have even tried! So over the next few weeks/months I am going to write a description/story about my artwork that is for sale in my shop.
Monday, May 13
Feel the fear
This is something that I need to listen to...I am always shy about sharing my art work, so I rarely make the effort to tell people about it. I really think that needs to change!
Sunday, May 12
Manifesting Abundance
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My Abundance altar |
I have never struggled with money. I put myself through Art College and I also did two years to gain an MA in Contemporary Craft. To this day I have no idea how I did it, I have always had enough money to get by. When I left college I had no idea what to do next! I hadn't thought beyond my degree show. I can remember to this day being sat on the sofa in no.4 with the yellow door with my friend talking about what to do next; when reality struck me like a slap in the face, “Shit, now I need to live in the real world, I need to get a job.” So that afternoon I popped into a gallery and asked if they needed anyone and low and behold they did! So I worked there for five years, two of those years I worked part-time while completing an MA. Every since then I have worked, apart from a couple of blips and the year we took off when we spent four month in New Zealand and then house sat for the in-laws while they travelled. I would love to earn a living from my art but as yet I have not put in enough effort in to make this happen. I have decided that any sales I make form my artwork will be going towards paying off the loan.
I think I have a good relationship with money, I am good at budgeting and never over spend. I hate to say it but I would like more, I feel a little guilty saying that. I do have enough each month but if I had more I could pay off the loan quicker, and give more to the charities that are close to my heart. I would love to pay my loan off in the next year, watch this space the universe works in wondrous ways.
Heat Tool
At the beginning of April I purchased the most amazing tool ever. It was sold as a tool that burns wood 'Pyrography Wood burning Tool Pyromaster Dual Heat' I bought it from Antex. It came with 18 different tips. It has other uses apart from making marks on wood. Some of the tips can be used for cutting and bonding synthetic fabric; this is really useful as it stops the fabric from fraying as the heat melts and bonds the fibres together. I have used it to etch photographs, this is really effective and gives the photography a completely new look. I am also going to try printing with an etched photograph as I feel the etching is deep enough to leave a mark on the gelli-plate. Watch this space...
But my all time favourite thing I can do with the heat tool is cut stencils!!! I use acetate/transparency film to make my stencils. I would normally use a craft knife to cut the design out but after a short while it would hurt my finger, using this heat heat tool it makes it so much easier and I can't believe how much quicker it is too. I am so pleased with it. I am sure I will find other uses for it!
Saturday, May 11
Creating new habits
I find it hard to start and keep new habits. It is east to break good habits but starting ‘good’ habits is difficult. I gave up chewing gum on the winter solstice, must days after lunch I would still like a piece but instead I have a mint that doesn't contain all the yucky chemicals that are in chewing gum. At the beginning of the year in the Apothecary Circle we did a water challenge. One thing involved was doing a morning flush; drinking down a big glass of water before anything else, sometimes I take it with a slice of lemon and always slightly warm water. I have continued this habit for over four months and I can’t see a reasons to stop.
A section of my latest painting in progress
My most recent habit is getting up at 6am and being creative for an hour. I have found it works best if I think about what I am going to do the night before and have stuff out and ready, so I can just start and not have to think about what it is I am going to do. I have joined Leo Babauta at Zen Habits Sea Change programme. The best way to start a new habit is to have a trigger. The trigger for drinking my daily flush is getting up and putting the kettle on. The trigger for being creative is making a cup of tea and sitting at my desk. I think the idea of a trigger is a really good idea to form habits. Another trigger I have is when I am waiting for someone I get out my sketchbook and have a doodle. It relaxes me and makes waiting less of a pain.
Wednesday, May 8
It was my birthday last week! I had great plans on my birthday eve to cleanse and tidy my desk, sort out various piles of stuff on our coffee table, reflect on the past year, list my achievements and take an oracle cards for the year ahead. That evening I came home from work did a bit of housework and got a head ache and felt completely exhausted...So as yet I have not done any of those things. Sometimes it can be frustrating/annoying how life snowballs around you and you still have the same important task to do that you started with at the beginning of the year/month/week. I have been on holiday for a week having a staycation I thought I would be able to cross these things off my list but other things have come along and jumped them down the list. My list always gets longer rather than shorter... However for my birthday we did cross one thing off my list and that was to go up the Shard, if you even get the chance to go, do it it is well worth it.
We went to the top!
Sunday, May 5
Sacred Space (part 2)
The next part of sacred space involved removing unwanted chemicals from your daily routine. I have already swapped my regular surface cleaner for one that I make myself. Here is the recipe –
1 teaspoon borax
500ml of warm water
2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar
½ teaspoon natural liquid dishwashing soap
10 drops lavender EO
5 drops rosemary EO
Combine the borax and the water in a spray bottle shake well. Then add all other ingredients, shake again. Spray on the countertops and wipe clean with a cloth. This recipe I use came from the following book ‘1001 Natural Remedies’ by Laurel Vukovi
I love the smell of the lavender, It makes it a pleasure to use. I would also really like to try these soap nuts for our washing. I have stopped using shampoo to wash my hair and now use Bicarbonate of soda. I make the Bicarb into a paste and rub it into my hair, rinse with warm water and then a rinse of ACV and one more rinse of warm water. I have found that my curls are more defined apart from my grey streak at the front that has a mind of its own! I am planning on making face cream and body lotion, I have not looked for a recipe yet but I am sure if I ask over at the AC one of the members would suggest a good recipe, there may already be something listed. There are a lot of recipes being shared from lip-balm to dishwashing soap. It is a great place to pick up tips and ideas. I am so grateful for being part of the AC.
Saturday, May 4
Sacred Space (part 1)
Opps I found this in my notebook and realised that I had not posted it! In the AC there are three sacred space projects, the first part was to clear out any unwanted stuff. I find this hard to do as I always think “that will come in handy one day”. I also buy art equipment whenever I get the chance! It wouldn't matter so much if I was prolific at creating artworks but I'm not. I have loads of paint and now I have finally found my favourite brand the others don’t get a look in and don’t ever get used. I have a box of paper that never gets used because it is too nice...although after realising that was why I never use it, it is now going to get used. I have a box of bits and pieces that looks as if the bin has been emptied into it but this is all my textures that I use for monoprinting. These scraps get used all the time and my all time favourite piece is the cardboard sheaf that is used to protect your hand when carrying a cup of tea, it is from ‘Prêt Mange’. I also love fruit nets!
Books are another problem...I have some that I haven’t looked at since we moved back to London (3.5 years ago) but when I pick them up to give away I can’t. I did manage to get rid of some that I had never used or not looked at in ten years. These went off to the charity shop. I never keep any novels as I know I will never read the same one twice and the ones I normally buy were purchased from a charity shop anyway!
All in all I found this quite difficult, it was suggested that we did a foot a day. I did sort though my stuff and ended up with more than a box full to give to charity. I also think this is going to be an ongoing thing because some days it is easier than others. I also need to be mindful of what I bring into our flat, as we don’t have much room.
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<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/5803491/?claim=bntacd85dc5">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Wednesday, May 1
April Photo A Day
Here is the round up of April, still not quite a photo a day, but oh well... I enjoyed the freedom of having no list to follow and I didn't feel as if there was the pressure there to take a photo everyday. I just took one when I had the opportunity, something that would remind me of that day.
Yesterday was my birthday and for a special treat, my husband took me into London for the day and we went up the Shard. This is thee view! It was amazing up there and I would recommend it if you ever get the chance, I couldn't believe just how far you could see.
Monday, April 29
The latest thing that has come about is ClicktoTweet. So if you have Twitter and a blog and you want your followers to Tweet easier about your products and services you can now use a service called ClicktoTweet you can find this service here.
- Testing out clicktoTweet thanks to @AbsoluteAlicia! Loving how easy it is to share. @C_Skillen.
If you have a Twitter account test out how easy it is to use and share my link. Thank you.
If you have a Twitter account test out how easy it is to use and share my link. Thank you.
Sunday, April 28
I have signed up for another e-course, The Sea Change Program, with Leo Babauta from Zen Habits! This course is for helping you make new habits and in May the new habit is forming a daily writing habit. This is something that I really want to starting doing and I have been on the lookout for something like this. I don't really like writing because I don't feel as if I am any good, my inner critics need to be sent away and given something to do keep them busy. I don't write much, therefore I never improve. So it is all about to change. My creative hour in the morning before work has been going well and I have even started to wake up before my alarm clock! I am now going to write in this hour and do some art! So busy busy!
Only the other day I was thinking that I have signed up for too many on-line commitments! Oh well I am sure another one won't hurt. These are the courses I am doing; the Apothecary Circle, Leonie Dawson's - Creative Goddess, loving the results of her course and from the 1st of May I start the Manafesting Abundance, spirit led financial planning with Laura Emily from the AC! I have also signed up for another on-line free herbal course at the Herbal Academy of New England. I think that is all of them...
Only the other day I was thinking that I have signed up for too many on-line commitments! Oh well I am sure another one won't hurt. These are the courses I am doing; the Apothecary Circle, Leonie Dawson's - Creative Goddess, loving the results of her course and from the 1st of May I start the Manafesting Abundance, spirit led financial planning with Laura Emily from the AC! I have also signed up for another on-line free herbal course at the Herbal Academy of New England. I think that is all of them...
Monday, April 22
Creative goddess online course
I am taking part in the Leonie Dawson Creative Goddess online course. It started at the beginning of April. I was attracted to it as the description sounded just perfect; to get me motivated and inspire me into action and I really want to change how I act and feel about creating art. I am very happy and excited to be taking part in the Creative Goddess Course. It is a six weeks course and typical me I am running behind schedule... I have yet to finish week one and we are already at the end of week three! The course involves meditations, creation and reflection. The first weeks task was to go on a walk and collect things that you are guided to. Then create a painting with your findings incorporated into the piece. I have to confess I didn't like the idea of sticking things on to my canvas! I found seven feathers on my walk; I didn't stick them onto my canvas straight away I used my Gelli plate to take monoprints of the feathers that I had found. Here are the prints that I made, I love how much detail is picked up.
I am going to cut these prints up at some stage
and use it on the canvas. While I had my Gelli plate out I used it directly onto the canvas. The Gelli plate is so responsive that it picked up the textures from the painting and the canvas itself.
was such a beautiful morning while on the walk I also took photos of things that
captured my eye, from these photos I developed a series of patterns.
The photo below is of a wooden fence, I loved how the light giving it contrast.
These are the patterns that I developed from the photograph above, I really like the colours and the various patterns that I have made. I am going to print out my favourites and include them in my painting.I have been meaning to print off some of my patterns for a while now so I am glad that I have finally be given a reason to print them.
I will post more patterns and some photos of my canvas soon.
Thursday, April 11
Monday, April 8
A while back I added social media buttons to my blog. I know every blog has them but mine didn't and I wanted them. So I made my own. I followed these instruction from Projects Around the House and I downloaded the social media icons from Pixeden. I made the buttons in Picmonkey a photo editing application. It is free but you can upgrade to a package that has more filters, boarders and other cool stuff. I was really proud of myself that I made these buttons and I think they turned out rather well. I did learn that it is a good idea to make all the buttons that you need at the same time as it can be difficult to find the same colours, I learnt the hard way and made one of my buttons at a later date and it was a bit tricky to match the colour. I was really impressed with the Picmoney application that I used to make the buttons, it is free but you can upgrade. While I was taking the time making the buttons I thought I would also follow these seven useful tips from Momcomm.
1. Overall Design Too Wide - I adjusted mine accordingly and now my banner fits just right.
2. Light-colored Links - I have tried to adjust the colours of the links but I just can't seem to change it.
4. Sharing Buttons - Oh dear I did try and add sharing buttons but it didn't work either, so just using the standard Blogger ones.
5. Graphic Elements that Look Clickable (but Aren’t)- I am working on this and if I use images I do try and remember to use links.
6. Hard to Find Contact Info - I now have an email button, click it and it automatically opens an email to me.
7. Cluttered Sidebar - I only now have a sidebar on the right rather than the left and right.
1. Overall Design Too Wide - I adjusted mine accordingly and now my banner fits just right.
2. Light-colored Links - I have tried to adjust the colours of the links but I just can't seem to change it.
4. Sharing Buttons - Oh dear I did try and add sharing buttons but it didn't work either, so just using the standard Blogger ones.
5. Graphic Elements that Look Clickable (but Aren’t)- I am working on this and if I use images I do try and remember to use links.
6. Hard to Find Contact Info - I now have an email button, click it and it automatically opens an email to me.
7. Cluttered Sidebar - I only now have a sidebar on the right rather than the left and right.
Sunday, April 7
Photo a Day
The photo a day challenge that I have been taking part of over on FatMumSlim has totally fallen by the wayside these last few months. I have found myself catching up with the days prompts on mass and doing about seven on one day, not really the point of something called ‘photo a day’. So I have decided to do my own spin on ‘photo a day’. I will still be posting my photos on Streamzoo and doing a round up every month, but I won’t be using a prompt or a list. The photos will be of whatever I feel like or what sum up my day. Sometimes I felt as if the prompts were restrictive. I may go back to them but for now it feels right just to snap away and post my favourites. I have enjoyed taking part in FMS ‘photo a day’ and I would like to thank Chantelle for hosting such a great challenge. Here is the round up from March.
Friday, March 29
I have decided that I want/need to try and start pattern designing. I really enjoy putting ideas for patterns together. Here are my latest ideas -
I have entered these into a competition run by the MOYO magazine. It was a floral theme, with the inspiration being 'Ikebaba'. MOYO is a great on-line magazine and is full of inspiration and ideas.
Monday, March 25
52 Lists. Week Eleven - List your essentials
Wednesday, March 20
Sunday, March 17
52 Lists. Week Ten - List the ways you can cleanse for Spring
This is a list that I definitely need at the moment, I really need a Spring clean...not just my physical world but my habits too. Thanks once again to Moorea Seal for a great list prompt. These prompt are published every Tuesday on her blog. 10 weeks into 2013 already, this year is flying by so quickly! This weeks challenge, I will spring clean by mediating everyday for the 21-day meditation. challenge
Saturday, March 16
Cut Print Stamp
This post is very over due and I thought with Spring on its way I need to tidy up my list of posts to write and get on and write them!
Before Christmas (see I said it was over due) I entered into a competition over on the Gelli Arts blog and to my surprise I won! Thank you to Gelli Arts and to Princeton Brushes for running the competition. The competition was to win a selection of Catalyst Wedges, these can be used on the Gelli Plate. I had been eyeing these up in my local art shop but they are quite pricey so I thought to myself I would treat myself in the new year. In the mean time I purchased a couple of silicon spatulas and a silicon brush from the supermarket, they were on sale (£1.50) and I thought it is good to experiment and when I upgrade to the ones from the art shop I could use them in the kitchen. These worked OK but they were a bit awkward because of the handles, they weren't to easy to swish around! The brush however is fab to use on the Gelli Plate and creates some cool textures. So when my prize arrived I was very happy and got printing straight away.
These are the the three wedges that I won, there are six different wedges in their range. You can see the different ones here over on their site.
The monoprints below were created on my Gelli Plate and I used the Catalyst Wedges for the mark making, as well as using stencils and rubber stamps. The wedges fit into your hand nicely and they are easy to swish around.
Wednesday, March 13
Mid Week Gratitude
"Gratitude leads to love"
The beginning of this week I spent a few day in London with my Mum, we stayed in a plush hotel, just off Trafalgar Square. We had a great time despite the freezing cold weather. I am grateful that we could spend time together. We watched 'Let it be' I sang all the way through so apologies to the person sat next to me, we stood up and danced and we swapped places so Mum could see. We went to The Ritz for afternoon tea, wow that was an experience. It was amazing, Mum said that it was better than her expectations. We did a spot of shopping, although neither of us particularly like it or are very good at it, it was nice just to be out and about together just me and Mum. We also went to the Lion King, the costumes were so clever. I really enjoyed it.
So this week I am grateful for -
Having a great time with mum
Having lots of layers to keep warm
Being inspired by these people -
Postcards from the edge, Michelle Rumney
Right Brain Business Plan Jennifer Lee
Amazing Biz and Life Academy Leonie Dawson
Talking to my nephew on the phone
Date night
Blue sky when it's cold (better than grey)
Monday, March 11
Cut Print Stamp
Here are the latest cards that I have made. These three have all been made using my monoprints and cut-out flowers. I really like the colours I have used for these cards. I particularly like the one on the right-hand side, I like the way the red works with the teal. To make these I cut the larger flowers out by hand, I have made my own flower stencil that I draw around on the back of the monoprint, then I cut the flowers out using a scalpel. The smaller flowers are created using a paper punch.
Sunday, March 10
52 lists. Week nine - List the places you want to go
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Moorea Seal - 52 Lists |
Oh, I had fun writing this list, I am sure I will be adding more to it. Already thinking I would like to go back to New York. This week I will be going to Yoga (in my kitchen) and I will be going to stick to my to-do list.
I finally jumped in and made my tinctures.... I bought the herbs a couple of weeks ago, I had collected the jars and had been ready to jump since buying the herbs, but I just didn't feel confident about it. So on Sunday morning I woke up and felt it was time to start mixing up some tinctures. I checked the alcohol that I was planning to use and "darn" it was under 40%. So off I went to the shop to buy some vodka. This was all I bought I was the till operators first customer of the day! She was note a happy bunny, she was rude, she didn't look at me, she barely spoke and she started to serve the next customer before I had even paid. I asked for my till receipt and she acted as if I had sworn at her. I was baffled by her attitude but I guess she doesn't make tinctures. I chuckled to myself and thought about the rest of the women form the Apothecary Circle making tinctures and wondered what stories they had to share.
When I arrived home I cleaned and sterilised the jars and realised I was going to have a spectator. My husband. I didn't mind at all as it gave me a little confidence; not that he would be any help as he didn't know what to do or what a tincture was. But it was nice just to share the experience together. We inspected the vodka bottle with great interest and noticed that their logo was a wolf and a eagle he said 'that is you and me, I am the wolf and you are the eagle'. Well, that made my day. I love it when he says things like that to me.
I measures out the the herbs, I used half a jar for each tincture. Then filled up the jar with vodka. I made labels for each tincture. The lavender label looks as if I was actually drinking the vodka rather than making tinctures.
When I arrived home I cleaned and sterilised the jars and realised I was going to have a spectator. My husband. I didn't mind at all as it gave me a little confidence; not that he would be any help as he didn't know what to do or what a tincture was. But it was nice just to share the experience together. We inspected the vodka bottle with great interest and noticed that their logo was a wolf and a eagle he said 'that is you and me, I am the wolf and you are the eagle'. Well, that made my day. I love it when he says things like that to me.
I measures out the the herbs, I used half a jar for each tincture. Then filled up the jar with vodka. I made labels for each tincture. The lavender label looks as if I was actually drinking the vodka rather than making tinctures.
The next lot of tinctures I make I will make them on a 'new moon' as I read over on Moon Daughter that making them on a new moon helps to draw out the liquid. Now I just have to remember to shake them every day for a week or so and then every week and then wait six months to stain them.
All in all it was so much easier than I anticipated, I don't really even know why I thought it would be difficult
This posted is well over due and I can't believe that it has been sat in my notebook for well over a month, note to self - must try harder.
Wednesday, March 6
Mid Week Gratitude
This weeks mid week gratitude post is long over due as it popped into my head as an idea last week. This weeks mid week gratitude post is going to be for the women on the web that have inspired, encouraged and taught me new things. I am ever grateful to you all -
First up is Lauren Luquin I have been reading Laurens blog for a well over a year now. She is so inspiring and loves nature, creates amazing offerings; such as medicine pouches and jewellery. You can read her full bio here. She has also set up a safe haven for women on-line here at the Intuitive Heart Sanctuary. I attended the e-course last summer and I am planning to work through the IHS ebook during Spring.
Stacy de la Rosa makes inspiring jewellery and sends out cool newsletters that are full of loveliness and inspiration. Gratitude is high up in her list for 2013 and she was the one who inspired me to write this list.
Laura Emily runs the Apothecary Circle. The Apothecary Circle is a year long course and new members are being excepted now for the next starting date on 21st March.
"2013 is here, and it’s time to raise our vibration by returning to earth and engaging in growth, Spirit, and healing. Be there with us, love. This spring, sow growth. One year. Earth. Health. Community. " Laura Emily
This is going to be an on-going list as there are still quite a few women that I would like to mention. I hope that you enjoy their work, offerings and their amazing spirit as much as I do.
Laura Emily runs the Apothecary Circle. The Apothecary Circle is a year long course and new members are being excepted now for the next starting date on 21st March.
"2013 is here, and it’s time to raise our vibration by returning to earth and engaging in growth, Spirit, and healing. Be there with us, love. This spring, sow growth. One year. Earth. Health. Community. " Laura Emily
Moorea Seal is a jewellery designer, a blogger, a designer and generally a cool girl. I can't remember how I found her but it was only at the beginning of this year and already so many of her posts have inspired me. I follow along with her 52 list project and have a backlog of lists that I need to post. I enjoy doing the lists so much and Moorea is developing a project from this idea. So that will be exciting to watch grow over the next year.
This is going to be an on-going list as there are still quite a few women that I would like to mention. I hope that you enjoy their work, offerings and their amazing spirit as much as I do.
Friday, March 1
March Photo-a-Day
I am taking part in the Photo-a-Day challenge again this month. Here is the inspiration list for March's photos.The challenge is from Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim. once again she has shared a great list with us. You can play along using Instagram, Streamzoo, Twitter or on your own blog. I am going to take a photo a day and you can see them here at Streamzoo. Enjoy and happy snapping.
Thursday, February 28
February Photo-a-Day
Here are the photos I taken this month for the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day challenge. All of these photos have been taken using my phone. I have a few apps that I like to use, 'Retro Camera' being a favourite this month. I am pleased with most of them and I did try and take more while I was out and about. I have to confess most were not taken on the day, it was kind of more like a week in one day! I only missed one prompt this month and that was 'Inside your fridge'.Each month I am going to share with you the photos from the months challenge and also a couple of my favourites. You can check out more of my photos here.
Tuesday, February 26
Thursday, February 21
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